Launching aeroplane….

Am supposed to finish the paper and head to Zouk tonight. Plan scratched. I’ve been wasting too much time mopping around, watching tv, napping, eating, blog hopping, spamming and playing with photoshop than to type my paper. Deadline’s tomorrow. I’m not doomed (yet) but am agitated that I have to fongfeikei Jayna for the umpteenth time. Sorry, babe. Dinner on me, ok?

Okay this is a short post because I’d be guilt striken if this were longer than my paper. Damn, I hate school.


The other day, I don’t remember when, I got to know that one of my former schoolmates is an owner of an event management company. A few beauty pageants lately were all (successfully) organised by her company.

My first rush of emotion was utter jealousy. How could it be? She was dumb. She was in a dumb class! How did it happen? We are of the same age but I’m still eating off my mommy’s palm. Is it because of her filthy rich father? Is it because she’s really a whiz beneath the exterior? What is it?

In an attempt to compose myself, I try to recollect the slightest clues that could have contributed to her success. It took me the whole night and frankly I was so bothered I did not fall asleep. I could even feel my heart palpitating abnormally, that was how disturbed I was.

Why Kim, you’re a sore loser.

I suppose I was. It was hard to stomach the fact that someone who used to be considered a blacksheep at school is somebody now. And yes, for a second, my self-esteem hit rock-bottom. I felt like a handicap.

Under my sheltered life, it seems normal to live with my parents, eat from their pockets and be all manja. But is this really normal? I can’t help but be bothered by the possibility of missing out to my peers as I indulge in a hedonistic existence, oblivious to reality. It’s a suffocating thought.

The scariest part is, I don’t know how to break free.

Skipping class is a sin. Read to find out why.

Got RM170 in cash for the focus group discussion. Yay! It was fun. And there were food hehehe. Nice. I’d do it again anytime.

I’ve gotten hair extensions. Impromptu decision. I like them very much. So it’s fair to say now I’m more funky than dorky now.

Bought a black tube top at a steal. Must finish assignment by Thursday. I need to dance. I need to gyrate my hips. I need to feel sensual. Zouk beckons.

Ever been summoned for jaywalking? Well, I did. I was crossing the road from Sungai Wang to Lot 10 and I got summoned for RM50 (unofficial amount lah!). Damn buggers. I told them I will not pay them, I’ll appeal at the police station. There goes their corrupted income. Nak gertak aku? Pirah organisma tak berguna. Bulan Ramadan ye? Mana niat nak pahala tu? Oh I get it…..they’re willing to accept bribes for my sake so that I won’t need to pay RM500 and hence they’d get celestial brownie point for that. MCB. May your buttocks rot in hell. Yeah, I’m feeling righteous. For fuck’s sake, jaybloodywalking!?