First attempt in becoming SKTM Idol. Rejected.

Wordcount – 860 words. *Hugs*

Remember when I got summoned for jaywalking? Couple of days ago, I realised that I have missed the one month grace period and I would have to appear in court or faced being hauled to jail. I crave for limelight yeah, but not that kind, ok? After hours of lecture from both my parents, Dad took pity of my plight and decided to settle the problem for me. Today he gave me the receipt of the compound. Hehehehe. Gawd I love my Dad and yes, I’m a 20 year old spoilt brat.

During dinner, I related an incident that happened to me in primary school which got the whole family bawling like mad people at the foodstall. Before I tell you, let it be known that I went through different IQ phases in my lifetime, namely from dumb > incredible> fucking incredible > incredibly fucked/incredible fuck.

Anyway, so this thing happened when I was in the dumb phase. I was a dumb kid waiting for my break, to make an impression, to be looked upon with adoration. When my teacher asked whether any of us had been overseas, I raised both my arms enthusiastically cause well, I was worldly and well-travelled!

Pn. Rashidah: *in flawless Bahasa Melayu baku* Di manakah kamu pernah pergi? Where have you been to?

Dumb Kim: I got go Hong Kong before. *obviously, I didn’t know how to speak BM and my English was pariah at best*

Pn. Rashidah: Bagus sekali. Boleh namakan tempat-tempat menarik yang pernah kamu kunjungi? Great. Can you name the places that you have visited?

Dumb Kim: No.

Pn. Rashidah: Mengapa pula? Why not?

Dumb Kim: Mommy say I in stomach.

Pn. Rashidah: *Bengang**Stumped*

I love you and all.

Third time lucky.

My paper is pushing 400+ words. That’s like awesome, considering there’s one more day to deadline. I’m so proud of myself *beam*.

I was so so so craving for sour cream to go with murukku. Sorry no sour cream in the house, so I improvised. Mayo + lime juice with a dash of salt.’s not bad at all *grins*.

I’m so happy. But the day was slightly affected by the Ex. He IM-ed me to. Revelation number one: I dated a coward who thinks he knows everything. I’m not sad, just fucking pissed. Solution: MSN block.

Everything happens for a reason. Without sadness, one wouldn’t appreciate the good…*tergendala*

Nicklaus my 13 yr old kid brother is peering from outside my door.

Brat : Jie..wanna supper?

Me : Hrmmm *calculating caloric content of murukku + mayo* OK!

Brat : Yay!

So yeah, I’ve just finished a Ramli hotdog and wantanmee. Oh and I don’t feel the slightest guilt. Cause these calories will be expended soon.

*Continuation* Yeah, so without the bad you wouldn’t see the good. Without the bad, you wouldn’t learn what you really want or how to treat others. Okay, I’m just regurgitating what I’m thinking. Too lazy to articulate my feelings. You know what I mean *hugs*.