I woke up this morning in time for Jamie Oliver’s cooking show and I got bitten by the baking bug. He was giving out this really simple chewy chocolate cake recipe and coincidentally, I have most of the ingredients needed. So, I baked a cake.


Cake got the better of me even before I managed to snap a photo of it.
There are two because I didn’t want the cake to be too thick. Anyway, I think it’s pretty good, cause I already ate half of cake number one. I just had a piece from the fridge, oh my gawd the texture tasted like brownie, solid but chewy. Yum…
In case you like to know the recipe :
- 200g of sugar and 200g of butter beaten till creamy.
- Add 200gm of self-raising flour and beat again (I used ordinary flour and 2 teaspoon of baking powder).
- Fold in 3 eggs.
- Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder with water and add into the batter. (I used melted cooking chocolate instead).
- Fold in almond flakes (which I didn’t) and chocolate chunks (which I did).
- Pour into pan and bake for 20 mins at 180 degree celcius.
Thought I was going to bring the other one for the gang. Turned out Jaime’s celebrating her birthday in Bangsar tonight so I’m bringing the cake there instead.
I’ve opened a Multiply account. Go check it out :D
Who’s going to Zoukfest tomorrow? I am. Lets party!!!!!!!!!!!!
I nicked too much chocolate batter and ate too much chocolate cakes. ARGH. Gonna go workout now. Peace.