Genetics or environment?

If there were any reason for me to swing both ways, this could be one…..

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I adore my parents.

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Damn….so much confusion! Hahahaha. Okay the pictures above are of my parents. Dad’s in slutty make-up and Mom’s in hamsap pontianak do. So my point was, if I were to become bisexual, the reason could be this. Just that I’m not too sure whether it’d be genetics or environment. Oh well, never mind. *Yawns*


Went to Station One with LooLoo. Then we saw YingYing and Pauline sitting at a table behind us. So we group up, the more the merrier. Feel proud of myself for refraining from ordering any food. Yay.

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LooLoo and moi.

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Pauline and moi. Damn I look chunky :P

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LooLoo and YingYing.

Jayn‘s going to have exam soon, so good luck babe *mwahs* Hope we’ll all graduate with kickass results and earning our 5 figure income by 30….no, make that 25!!!!!!!!!! Fuck the statistics, by the way.