Just thought I’d scribble a little.

Am fucked. I can’t sleep. Class is at 8am. Drank too much tea. Is sniffing teabag disgusting? Apparently my Mom thinks so. She also thinks sucking teabag is disgusting. Can you tell a girl’s sexual attitude from the way she treats her teabags?

In the eye! In the eye!

Boys nowadays are so unbelievably cissy. I feel like barfing everytime I tune into Wah Lai Toi and all I see are these skinny, cissy, short boys with highlighted long hair. What the hell is wrong with teenage girls nowadays? They might as well masturbate to Avril Lavigne. When I was 8, I dug Leon Lai. I cringe now but Leon Lai was quite the manly type. Actually, he still is.

Leon Lai

Don’t think I’m going to bed. I’ll head straight to college. I think my friends can’t recognise me.

You know what, my Dad is such a wonderful handyman. He’s cleaned my aircon, now it’s stopped leaking and it’s bloody cold.


We were on our way home after getting conned by Dad into accompanying him for 5 hours of mahjong. So there was this red Iswara in front of us. It was hogging both lanes. Dad was surprisingly calm about it, I wonder why…..duh. Anyway, we came to a traffic light and we stopped behind the said car. Nothing was out of the ordinary until the light turned green. As the Iswara accelerated, the driver put his head out of his window. He puked. Dad immediately slowed down as that car zigzagged amongst 4 or 5 other cars on the highway. At last, he disappeared from our view although we anticipated a car wreckage in another kilometre or so. Well, we didn’t see any wreckage, but we did pass by a police road block. It was on the opposite lane.

Si beh sien, ok?