Jayna and I went to fetch Looloo from work. We had dinner at Jalan Imbi. The restaurant’s called Cheong Yang or something (Jayna: please clarify?) Chuai Heng. Pretty good “pulled” noodles. We ordered duck noodles, beef noodles and a basket of siuloongbau (steamed meat dumplings). I like the place, nice ambiance and affordable food. Then we adjourned to Jayn’s home and had a session of camwhoring and gossipping. Love you girls!!!
Looloo and Jayn.
Me and Looloo.
Gastronomic delights.
Hot chicks DO eat.
Cam ho’s 1.
Cam ho’s 2.
Cam ho’s 3.
With Nic Tse, some koalas and Jayn’s clothings.