Heineken Life Below Zero

Couldn’t help but laughed when I received an invitation to Heineken Extra Cold Beer Launch at Velvet Underground. I mean, seriously, I have a category called “Alcoholic Faux Pas” in my blog for goodness’ sake.

I’m not exactly the best drinker in the world. But you got to love me for my passion, you know what I mean….I may not be able to hold down more than two drinks but I sure do enjoy drinking, while I could still hold my head up that is. And man, girl here can never ever resist a free flow ;)

And I did enjoy my time at the party.

Heineken Extra Cold Beer.
Heineken Extra Cold Beer.

Joey G was the host, as usual. He’s practically everywhere eh? I really don’t mind him, he’s really good at what he does and he’s got the looks to boot.

Joey G hosts Life Below Zero Party
Joey G.

The launching of Extra Cold Beer.
The launch.

Our eyes glistened at the sight of 6 fridges fully stocked with Heineken Extra Cold. Yuuuummmy!

Hot girls to hand out cold beers.
Hot girls to hand out the cold beers.

Kimberlycun with Heineken Extra Cold Beer.
On my first bottle of Heineken Extra Cold…

The party heated up…

Trying to get Tim to dance.
Dancing with Tim. Man’s got the moves…

I got pretty tipsy after the first bottle and apparently I was jumping around like a monkey or something. The Heineken beer tasted so good at such low temperature (0 Celsius – 3 Celsius).

Kimberlycun dances like a monkey.
Doing the monkey moves.

Joey G was conducting a pop quiz at some point and I won a black Heineken shawl. ST told me I gave the wrong answer, but who cares…it’s the spirit that counts! Thanks Joey G!

Black Heineken pashmina.
Me and my prized shawl.

With hottie, Joey G.
With hottie, Joey G.

So I had tonnes of fun, well, I always do when I had alcohol in my blood stream, hehehe.

p/s: Thanks ST for most of the pictures here. Dude’s an awesome photographer, you must absolutely get him for any of your photography need.

Read about Heineken Extra Cold at:


MFEO and testicular connections.

It will be officially 3 years in a month’s time. Sometimes I wonder how we could stand each other for 3 whole years considering we see each other almost everyday, do everything together almost all the time but yet still manage to miss each other while at work.

Today is one of those days that I do know why. We were having steamboat for dinner. It was drizzling most of the day and nothing beats steaming soup with assorted goodies to warm up the belly on a cold, damp night.


On the way back, we had a bit of a bickering and then we made up and we started to shower each other with compliments and talked about how great a couple we are.

Me: We’re MFEO* like dick to an asshole. I’m the dick and you’re the asshole.

Him: No, we’re MFEO like testicles. I’m the big fertile ball and you’re the one with blanks that keeps me company.

And then we laughed, hugged and kissed.

I mean seriously, where on earth can I find another man with that sick sort of humour?

*refers to MFEO (made for each other), the song by Kavana…a one hit wonder back in the late 90s.