Disgusting food.

I think nothing defines me more as a chinese than my palate. I was just looking through some pictures I took last Sunday at breakfast and I thought about all the gross stuff I’ve eaten throughout my life.

Chicken feet.
Guess what it was.

My family and I (except for Mom) are big fans of disgusting food. I may have trouble killing a roach but have absolutely no problems eating one.

Anyway, speaking of disgusting food…there was an exotic food stall near my parents’ place. Rumours had it that the owner of the stall used to kidnap the neighbourhood’s pets for dog meat stew. I’ve lost two Dobermans when I was younger and I’ve always wondered whether he was the one who stole my dogs. Nevertheless, we frequented the stall for all sorts of delicacies including stuff like snakes, bats, turtles (not the endangered type lah) and many more. In fact, I ate my first monkey there.

However, to date, no dogs on the menu……

Among the disgusting stuff I enjoy are as follow, in random order:

    1. Pork intestines – fried or braised or boiled
    2. Chicken feet – fried, braised or deboned (kerabu)
    3. Cockles – still bloody with spicy chilli dip
    4. Pork skin – absolutely divine in curry mee
    5. Stinky tofu – deep fried
    6. Pork liver/kidney – in wine/pepper soup
    7. Chicken gizzards – deep fried
    8. Blue cheese & mature cheddar – with seedless grapes and saltines
    9. Raw oysters
    10. Century eggs with pickled ginger.

Braised chicken feet.
Braised chicken feet in the morning with my delicious hakka noodle. Notice the reddish colour….it’s authentic hakka chilli sauce and I insist my noodles drowning in it.

10.30am look.
10.30am look.

So what is your favourite disgusting food? Or are you a squirmy one?

I sleep better with Chipster.

Yes I really do! This is not just about loading myself with delicious carbohydrates. Now read on to find out how I sleep better with Chipster….

First of all, you would need to get a couple of bags of Chipster chips of course.

New Chipsters.
Sour Cream and Hot & Spicy.

I know you want to, but refrain yourself from ripping open the bag. Cut the bag open with a pair of sharp scissors.

Just like this…

Cutting open a bag of Chipster.
Cut the bag open with a pair of scissors.

Peer into your bag of chips and admire the crispy, golden wonderfulness.

Opened bag of Chipster.
Glorious, golden potato chips.

Now eat up! Savour your chips. Let the flavours overcome you over and over again….

Eating chipster.
Savour the moment.

Before you know it, your bag of chips would become the empty bag formerly known as a bag of chips.

Empty bag of Chipster.
Fear nothing, because you’d have several other bags waiting for you.

Henceforth it shall be unveiled my secret to sleeping better with Chipster…..

Get some tissues and clean the inside of the empty packet. Try to get it as clean as possible. If you want to wash it also can, but make sure to let it dry completely before the next step.

Cleaning up the packet.
Cleaning up the packet.

See this ancient looking box? It is an oven. It is as old as me and still bakes like a mean old woman. Pre-heat your oven to 270 degree celcius.

Pre-heat oven to 270 degree celcius.

Now, get your empty Chipster packet, smoothen and flatten it and put it on the baking pan. Like this…

Chipster packet in oven.
Empty Chipster packet in oven.

I know what’s going through your mind. WTF WTF WTF WTF, right? Trust me, it’s safe and it won’t stick to the pan (maybe a teeny bit hurm). Also, it is extremely important that the packet is empty. Don’t be lazy and chuck the whole bag in it.

In about 10 seconds after you stuck the empty bag in, the magic will begin to happen. Watch your empty bag of Chipster shrink…

Shrinking Chipster bag.

Still shrinking...
Still shrinking….

When it has shrunken into 1/4 of its original size (which will take less than a minute), open the oven door and pull the pan out. Switch off the oven.

Shrivelled Chipster bag.
Allow the shrunken bag to cool off.

Now Chipster has a mini-me version too!

Chipster mini-me.
Chipster and its Mini-Me.

Now use something sharp to poke a hole at each end of Chipster Mini-Me. You may use a paper puncher if you like.

Punching a hole
Making holes.

Using the holes that you’ve just made, tie rubberbands to Mini-Me.

Tie rubber bands to the hole.
Tie rubber bands to the hole.

This is the end product of your efforts.

End product.
End product.

Can you guess yet what’s the use of Mini-Me?


Sleeping mask.
Yes, Mini-Me is a Chipster sleeping mask.

Not only do I sleep better with Chipster, I sleep WITH Chipster.

And to further enhance the sleeping experience……do it in the most natural state.

My pyjamas is my birthday suit lor.

Now give me the tickets to Nuffnang’s Nothing Else Matter Pyjama Party!!!!!!!!

No more chinky chinese eyelashes.

After my adventure with fake eyelashes about a year ago, I’ve decided to give it another go. So I finally got my lashes extended, by a professional this time.

I don’t think they’re very prominent though. Should have asked the girl to give me more drama! That said, they’re still longer and curlier than my natural lashes, so yeah, I’m quite happy with the results.

Eyelash extension.
Extended lashes.

The process was a bit of a torture for me though. I think it’s because of my hypersensitive eyes, they were tearing up throughout the process.

And I kept falling asleep, which was weird because I would start dreaming random stuff and at the same time I would tell myself to wake up in order to avoid Rapid Eye Movement. Trippy shit!

I felt the mood to doll up and so I did. Put on my beautiful dress which bf said reminds him of Laura Ashley’s curtains (BLEH I love it and I’m quite sure there are many girls who would appreciate the dress!)


Not emo.

Also not emo.

Admiring my own reflection...
Portrait of a narcissist admiring her own reflection.

My booootiful dress.
My booootiful dress!

If you’re interested in where I got my lashes done, it’s at Pink Passion. Found them from an article on NST.