Urm, the fickleness has prevailed.

“Once upon a time, a palm reader said that I was fickle minded and had an innate hunger for power. Duh, I’m a woman, hello?”

Okay, so I’ve got too much time in hand and decided to fiddle with my blog banner. Again. Urm, sorry.

Which is your favourite?




Love to hear your thoughts on these banners. My favourite is #3 obviously because I’m using it.

By the way, I’ve set up a page to archive all my FHM articles here. I’ll only publish them after the latest edition has come out but still, don’t wait till I publish here to read lor…must support ya :)

Plugging =D

Finally got my hands on the latest edition of FHM Malaysia. It feels so good to see my articles published totally unedited :) There’s nothing more painful than seeing your story edited till it loses the punchline, thank goodness it’s never happened to me yet. (but if u sucks in the grammer and the engrish language then u can’t blame people la)

FHM Booby Trap

This month I’ve also got a two-pager food review published. It’s one thing to have your words printed on a mainstream magazine but it’s another to see your pictures published and credited too :D :D :D Sorry, the narcissist in me is beaming with pride and utterly excited by things like that. I didn’t even use a flash, just natural light heh heh heh

As you may have noticed, I’ve also changed my blog banner. Mainly to please my mommy who cringes everytime she loads my blog (eventhough she’s to blame for the tits) and secondly cause I couldn’t stand my face, which truthfully was badly photoshopped to the max till it looked barely like myself heh heh heh. In my defense, the job was botched around 4am.

Been a bit of an anti-social lately. Busy with life, dog and saving up money for a bigass tv ready for the “herd”. Trying to lose some weight too…that’s coming along painfully slow =P

Here are birthday wishes to LSA, Mike Yip and Kim Ong. I’m glad Kim and Mike are too busy to layan me and LSA is in USA…so I can save on pressies muahahahaha. Daddy’s birthday was on the 5th too so imagine how broke I could have been!