Obama FTW!

Been following Barack Obama for months. I really felt that he could change the world. I can’t explain how happy I am that he’s leading the US of A. I think having Mr. Obama as president will have a larger positive impact on our country than any of our current politician will ever manage. For once, I’m filled with hope now. Black presidents, only in movies? It’s real now!

(and he’s very handsome…anyone seen his video on Ellen Degeneres Show dancing? phewitt)

I wonder when are we mature enough to discard self-serving, race based politics to fight for an ideology instead? If America, the land of the gun wielding rednecks and KKK is able to, I’m sure we will get there some day.

14 thoughts on “Obama FTW!”

  1. opcharlie: well…we have been a nation for some 50 years.

    ron: beauty of obama, he represents both black and white. i think geneally mixed coloured ppl get it worse in terms of discrimination. it’s just easier to call him a black prez because a lot of people saw his black side (eventhough it’s only half) as a problem. well, it’s not. black prez ftw.

    Ulquiorra: i share your sentiment :)

  2. Yeah, so we need someone like Martin Luther King getting assassinated soon (like what happen to US some 40+ years ago), so some 50 odd years later, we can have our first non-malay PM, and US will have thier first immigrant female president.

  3. Never has any modern US President had less experience. Check all the way back to FDR and you will see I am right. He has been a Senator for 3 years and before that a State legislator. Oh wow. What depth and breadth.

  4. @Mike: well, I’ve seen clerks working in their jobs for 20 years. I think its often not the years of experience that matters too much, but the quality of the experience and the quality of thinking that the man himself has. That he can stir up such support is testament and experience enough.

  5. @davidlian- I agree quality experience can sometimes take the place of length of experience. So, that being said, what major piece of legislation did Obama draft while a state legislator or US Senator? Pretty much, he occupied a chair and occasionally voted on someone else’s bill. Being able to stir up a crowd and build support is great, but it does not necc. mean leadership qualities, otherwise the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders would be running the government. ;-)

  6. common, Malaysia politic is more liberal than USA, we are top of the world, not only skin color doesn’t determine presidency, malaysia even have p*** become ministers already, be proud of being Malaysian.

  7. Here is something I posted in YouthSays at https://youthsays.com/group_discussions/social_issues_politics/topics/real_world_issues


    I would really love to believe that Obama is what everyone says he is- and yes, I have been told that his book is amazing and yes, his speeches are really good- but all these seem a little too Hollywood for me.

    At the end of the day, the Pro-Israeli group of Lobbyists in the White House aka Aipec will NEVER ever a allow any candidate to be the next President of the United States unless he supports Zionism and the State of Israel.

    And Obama wants to bring back the US troops home soon? What sort of change is that? Ok, it’s great that the inncoent young American soldiers get to go back home, but hey, the damage has been done by the Bush administration. (1 out of every 5 soldiers commit suicide every single day)

    Many innocent civilians have been killed, tortured mercilessly and cluster bombs were used during their attacks. Cluster bombs which release depleted uranium. Hello?

    That means, women from Afghanistan and Iraq from now on will be giving birth to deformed babies, thanks to the American soldiers or should I say, thanks to the cruel leaders of the United States.

    Deformed babies= same fate that the Vietnamese got from the Vietnam War.

    As long as AIPEC aka Pro-Israeli Lobbyists are in the White House, there is no way any American President will bring change as he will just be another puppet for them to play with.



    ps+ and when any American president do go againts the white house or decide to say ‘I can’t take this anymore’ this is what happens- they either hire a Mossad dude to shoot you like what happened to Kennedy or create weird stories like what happened to Clinton

    It takes a really crazy and heartless person like Bush to do the job.

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