Sorry this is a filler.

Sorry people, I had a crazy busy day so today’s post is going to be a filler :P

Woke up really early to go to KL as a panelist for Vaseline’s Amazing Skin campaign and then rushed home to write a LONG overdue advertorial which took me forever (sorry Karen!) because Internet connection sucked. Then right after I submitted the draft, it’s time to hit the road again for a public announcement shoot for Truly Loving Company’s Promise Me campaign in KL again. That said, I had a fantastic day :)

Charlie was very well-behaved even though I’d left him for a couple of hours. I’m so proud of him.

Okay, less than 10 minutes now to 12am. I’m hitting Publish button :P Not going to break my 5 days a week blogging streak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: Normal postings commence tomorrow.

Killing bugs on the highway.

On the way to East Coast now. This would be the furthest journey that @suzyganas has ever taken since I got her. She’s doing better than I’d expected. KY is behind the wheels now while I’m taking a rest.

Here’s a picture of some poor bugs we killed along the way :

The boyfriend is updating me on the England vs Algeria game via IM. Kinda deflated that I can’t watch the deciding game for England but I’ll be channelling my support at 130km/h. Sorry I meant 50km/h, we just got stuck behind a very slow truck now -_-

Posted from my Crackberry.