Wordcount – 0.

Deadline on 6th. Wish me luck.

I’m so glad it’s the final year. I don’t think I could do this anymore. If there were another year I’d probably quit school. On second thought, I guess I won’t. But I know I’ll dread it. Wait, I am dreading school.

Officially missed gym for a whole month. RM180 down the drain. Again. Joining gym again was a mistake. I should have stuck to hula hooping.

I am too boring. That’s right. I am a boring person. I do not have one single thing that I can claim to be passionate or good at. I am so mediocre. I eat too much, watch tv too much, sleep too much, procrastinate too much and daydream too much.

Narcissism is necessary. But really, necessities are most difficult to obtain.

Could have been a great Saturday night.

Just woke up. Went to bed at 10.30am *gasp*. Went to Passion and got raided at 12 fucking am. We’re paying at the cashier, then the lights in Poppy came on and the cashier told us it was a birthday party. Yeah right! Adjourned to Bar Savanh. Bloody packed and crowded. We’re given this spot at the corner (at the fucking restaurant :P) where the fans were about 40 feet from our heads. I just had no mood to dance. I slept throughout. Pseudo-classy clubs in KL are pretentious, expensive, uncomfortable and full of people with low self-esteem who needs affirmance that they’re big by hanging out at pretentious places like these. They’re no different from Ah Bengs. I digress, I don’t give a fuck cause it’s the fun factor of the place and that my friends are with me that matters.

Should have gone to Thai Club. It’s a great place to go if you’re just hanging out with your own friends and not there to socialise with any remotely stimulating individual (cause there are probably none). It’s such an efficient place (except for the loos, but you could always fake a vomit and guys…just fucking pee into the plants :P). You hardly wait for your drinks or your table if you’ve booked one. And, it’s always easy to go out and catch some fresh air when you’ve enough of dancing. Never been raided there too.

Okay, enough of rantings. Supper was like orgasmic though. Some noodle shop at Petaling Street. We had some claypot mousetail noodles (that’s how it’s called, right?), bbq pork noodles and the scrumptious plate of intestines. My mouth still reeks of garlic. Cass has some pictures, but I looked so fat and sleepy I don’t want to post them here.

Don’t mind me while I rant.

It’s 5 minutes to 3am and I’m still hovering around 500 words. That’s 1/6 of the paper I have to hand in by 5pm today. It’s about “Downsizing” in case you’re interested. What do I care about downsizing? I don’t give a flying fuck. Stupid people should be fired (except me). Lazy people should be fire (except me). Ugly people should be fired (except me). Survivors who are disturbed by the firing should be fired next. What should companies do? Retain the evil, smart, unscrupulous, money hungry, like-minded employees who don’t give a flying fuck about those fired. Then give them a pay rise, profit-sharing privileges, company cars, lifetime supply of Mcdonald’s and whatsnot….you know, just so you could grab them by their balls of something. Make them totally dependent on the company, deprive them of any options of leaving by fucking up their references with means such as blogs, chain emails, friendster testimonials etc, yeah fucking imprison them so that they’d slave for you in delusions.

And this shenanigan about stewardesses being discriminated for being pregnant, old and stuff. Fuck off and let the younger generation experience life of serving coffee in the sky and travelling everywhere, earning fat cheques while at it. Who asked you not to fucking do something with your money when you had it? Buying the latest CD bag does not constitute to doing something with it, ok? You fucking ugly, old, fat buggers are just being selfish. Bugger off and get a real job now. Give others a chance, ok?

This ass-licking blog culture is getting on my nerves. Get a fucking life and write about it.