Just because.

Here’s a picture of me, just because I think I look barely 18. Keh Keh Keh.

Also, cause it was a nice date-day. We had a good dinner and watched a not so good film but it was nice cause it was just us.

Today is a day worth celebrating because we’ve achieved another milestone in our relationship (and no, we’re NOT getting married). So, celebration was supper at Mcdonalds at very naughty hours.

So happy!

I’m so happy, so merry, and so happy and chirpy and gay.

That’s how I feel everytime we made up after a fight. I feel like our relationship has conquered yet another challenge and we’re another step closer to be that elderly couple, holding hands still lovingly gazing into each other’s eyes 50 years later.

I love you baby boo!!!! At times when I’m driving alone and thinking about you, I feel like winding down the window and scream to the whole miserable world, “I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND SO MUCHHHHH!”.

And best of all, I know you feel exactly the same way. There’s nothing better than knowing that you can fall hopelessly in love everyday, with no worries, conditions and pesky red flags, because you just know deep in your heart that your other half loves you back the same. No worries, no conditions.


And I know you love me toooooo! So leave me a comment baby, don’t be shy :)

p/s: Here’s an example of what to wear if you feel like having stumpy legs and your belly sticking out. Throw in some bad hair and voila…instant bag lady.

Bag lady.
Channelling hobo.