Okay, I didn’t even tweet about what I was worried about because I was not sure what I might do if I did get pregnant. I’ve had regular periods since I was 12. They were often annoying and painful but never failed to show up. Last month I had a particularly bad episode so a big part of me was casually hoping I’d never get another period in my life. They say, becareful of what your wished for.
1st week passed, 2nd week passed, 3rd week passed, 4th week passed. No sign of Aunt Flo. No sore breasts, no aching pelvic, nothing. And I’ve been in a ridiculously great mood too. And I’ve been eating for Africa. WTF??? I tried to recall whether we had been idiots? My memory was sketchy at best. I started to get really worried.
BF asked me to get a pregnancy test kit. I went to the pharmacy to check them out but didn’t buy any in the end cause I was scared shitless. I started imagining having a kid. No offense to parents, but oh gawd it’s so awful. I am just so not in the right frame of mind. I admit it, flabby belly and armpit discoloration. Two things that are synonymous with pregnancy to me. I want to get a wardrobe and shoe overhaul soon and I CAN’T be stocking up with maternity stuff! I can’t convert my activity room at the new house into a baby room! JUST AWFUL!! AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL!
Was feeling especially tired today. Ran a lot of errands and finally got home to take a power nap before heading to a party. I slept through the alarm, but got woken up by a wet sensation down under. I had a dreamless sleep so it couldn’t be a naughty dream.
Went to the toilet, checked my undies.

Glad I didn’t waste money on a pregnancy test kit.