Homemade kulfi for the win!

I’ve blogged about my obsession with kulfi and vowed to make some to fulfill my insatiable appetite for it and yes, I’ve done it! It’s crazy easy! Looks like I’m not going to buy ice cream for a while now…

I know I’ve been blogging about food a lot these days. I’m not apologising for this. Well, I’m not a spring chicken anymore and most times I don’t even enjoy attending events or meeting new people that much nowadays. I’m in a phase where I just want to cook a lot and fatten my friends and loved ones up. I’m turning into a domestic old woman and boy, aren’t I a smug one too…

I’ve been cooking almost everyday and I’m loving it. For the first time in my life I don’t care that the skin on my hands are pruning up and shit from constant contact with water. Though I’ve bought some high potency vitamin E cream to soothe my conscience for the rare times it hit me that my hands look like they belong to a manual labourer’s.

Anyway…here’s how you make kulfi. All you need is milk!

Kidding, you need all-spice powder, one teabag and sugar too.

# – Boil 5 cups of milk!

# – Prepare 5 teapoons of sugar (can lessen sugar if you don’t have sweet tooth) and 5 teaspoon of all-spice powder. Mix it up!

# – Chuck sugar and all-spice mixture into boiling milk.

# – Tear open a teabag (I used masala tea) and pour the content into the boiling milk mixture. You can add some nuts or raisins too at this point.

# – Simmer till the concoction reduces from 5 to 2 cups. Took me about 30 or 35 minutes. STIR CONSTANTLY! Becareful when you’re doing this because it might boil over. I’m speaking from experience…was a bitch to clean up my stove.

# – Pour the mixture into bowls lined with clingwrap and stick them into the freezer. If you have cute bowls like ramekin you can use those too or even smaller cups. My bowls were honestly a bit too big for such a rich dessert (but I’m not complaining).

# – Best to leave them in the freezer overnight but mine were good to eat about 6 hours later. This is how it looked like after 6 hours.

# – Pop it back into the bowl and peel off the clingwrap.

# – The look reminds me of some rotten tofu I saw in a documentary :D

# – Dig into the creamiest, densest ice cream you’ve ever tasted!

Instead of all-spice you can try flavouring the kulfi with other things like pistachio powder, chocolate, rose water, vanilla and etc. The sky’s the limit!

Fast but fancy smancy banana dessert recipe.

This is a great dessert recipe because it involves almost no effort at all. Absolutely useful when a random sugar craving kicks in.

(Actually I’m just blogging this because I’ve no inspiration to blog about other things)

The cast of characters…

They are bananas, sweetened whipped cream, corn flakes & sultanas or raisins if you like. Just 4 unassuming ingredients that you can easily get from your neighbourhood grocer.

By the way, this recipe makes 1 serving with number of calories you rather not know.

# – First slice 2 bananas into a bowl…

# – Then get a handful of sultanas/raisins and sprinkle all over the cut bananas.

# – Next, grab a handful of cornflakes and crush them in your bare hand. Crushing cornflakes in your hand is a very calming activity. Sprinkle crushed cornflakes all over.

# – Mix the cornflakes, sultanas and bananas with a spoon.

# – Now top off the mixture with a healthy pouf of whipped cream :D

# – Lastly, sprinkle sultanas over whipped cream for garnish and serve immediately.

Thank you. Thank you.

(this was really just an excuse to eat a lot of whipped cream)

Roasted ladies fingers, layered potatoes and drunk chicken.

I made dinner!

My 1st attempt at making layered potatoes was a success! Used the bf’s aunt’s recipe but I replaced crème fraiche with milk. Still turned out great – the spuds were soft & creamy with a crispy top.

# – Arrange sliced potatoes in layers. Season every layer with salt, pepper and chopped spring onions/onions. Then pour full cream milk up till just before the top of the potato layers. Pop into oven for 45-50 minutes at 160 degrees.

# – Check out the bubbling top. Woohoo!

# – Potato perfection /gloating mode on.

Roasted some ladies fingers too for a more balanced meal and they were perfect.

# – Ladies fingers seasoned with salt, black pepper, some butter, drizzle all over with olive oil and into the oven at 170 degree for 15 minutes.

Chicken dish was completely my own recipe – I’ll call it Kim’s Kickass Drunk Chicken :D Not to praise myself but the meat was soft and flavourful, so yummmy wish I had bought a whole chicken instead of half :P

# – Chicken marinating in a concoction of soya sauce, vodka, apple cider vinegar, sugar, chopped onions, spring onions, chillies and garlic. I kept some of the marinade mixture for making sauce later too.

# – Then, pan fry the chickens (discard the marinade). Once browned, remove chicken from pan and pour in some vodka to make a reduction with all the yummy bits. Then, pour in the marinade mixture saved earlier. Throw the chickens back in when sauce is bubbling and cook till cooked :)

And voila, a balanced meal!

# – Roasted ladies fingers, layered potatoes (check out the crispy crust omgs i win) and Kim’s Kickass Drunk Chicken.

Sorry for the bad pictures, my camera was not available. Will blog about my cooking properly next time :P