Random Mondayness.

What a blissful chinese new year! Broke my diet and stuffed myself silly with “lor han chai” and bacon bakua.

I think I’ve finally stepped into the marriageable age region. Don’t think I’ve been asked so many times about marriage and wedding by well meaning relatives. How many times do I have to explain to them that there will be no wedding bells unless we’ve gotten a properly decorated house with a porch and a little garden to our names.

Anyway, check out my new qipao. It fits me like a glove and I love it so much! Wore it on the first day of chinese new year, so cliche but what better day to embrace your culture and curves?


Camwhoring with the blue wig I got from Jane (https://www.pinkcube.blogspot.com).

Blue hair.

A bit of contemporariness for a change…

Been shying from camwhoring cause my “ban” cute pics make my skin crawls. But today, f**k it lah.

On another note, I got myself another mirror in the room. The one attached to my closet isn’t very useful as it’s in a badly lit space.

New mirror.

Wow….February 11 already. Time passes so fast these days!

Spring cleaning time.

Mom’s foot is still a little sore so I’ve been staying at my parents’ to help out with the spring cleaning in time for Chinese New Year. My room was like a war zone with clothes strewn all around the floor. I couldn’t be bothered to unpack and was wearing clothes straight out from the suitcase.


Messy 1.

Ugly sheets
Ugly sheets. Mommy, I’m not four anymore

Messy 2.
Messy 2.



A little better..
A little better….Check out my children’s chair from Tesco. I can sit on it comfortably, thank you very much.

Red sheets ftw.
Red sheets ftw.

And some bad camwhoring for your viewing pleasure…

Kim in PJs that boo will probably hate.
Me in PJs that I’m certain boo will hate. Sorry folks, nothing from La Senza here.

Happy Chinese New Year!


I was just reading through my blog archive and found this gem. Brought back so many memories, haha. Who would have thought I’d actually own my own PR business today.

    First day at work.

    It’s my first day of work at a PR firm. I quite like the job and being paid RM6.80 per hour didn’t even bother me. I like the location of the office, my colleagues are cool (except for this bitchy chick; going to talk about her later) and my boss is a very nurturing lady. I used a Mac for the first time, I couldn’t stand the keyboard cause the cap lock was located at the bottom but everything else about it was way too cool. I want a Powerbook!!! Everyone, my birthday’s coming? Hehehe.

    Half of today’s work was calling people up to confirm their attendance for some signing ceremony. I learnt to prepare press kits (easy peasy) and I told my boss that I could write press release too, if she’d let me try. The other half was spent browsing through various newspapers looking for any news pertaining to the company’s main clients. Not bad, getting paid for reading.

    I’m only going to be there for a week though as I was only hired to take over the boss’s secretary’s work when she goes on vacation. Anyway, if all went well, I hope the boss would take me in as an intern. I’m quite keen on that.

    About my bitchy colleague, she snapped at me cause I misaligned the document I was photostating, resulting in 30 pieces of wasted A4 papers. It’s my first day of work for goodness sake. She also speaks too loud, bitches about other people on the company’s telephone, thinks she’s very lucky she didn’t get the job to become Mahaleel’s PA (oh give me a break!) and brags too much about her impending trip to London (she called four people in the span of one hour to bitch about her rude roommate who refuses to start her car when/(if) she’s away in London). Still, I’ve only known her for a day, I suppose it’s too quick for me to judge.

    The secretary has given me a briefing of what to do and what to expect next week. Loads of work and some stuff that I’ve never even done before (it includes things like sending mails via couriers, I’m nervous…don’t laugh :P).

    Right after work, I went home just in time to find banana sundae! Dessert was awesome, thank you. After that, I went to KL to attend a relative’s wedding dinner. Always never fail to give me the giddy feelings. It’s quite sad to see that many chinese are dissing the wedding customs (specifically the angpow part lah), when really it’s just a resentment derived from their own inferiority complex. Give what you can afford, what’s so difficult about that?

p/s: After a week, my boss did re-hire me for a period of 2 months. I was paid RM8.50 an hour ;)