Chipsters For The Win.

Yay! Twisties have finally come out with potato chips and they’ve named it Chipsters. It’s about time, you know. As soon as I saw the ad with the hot genie in it, I got myself a bag of sour cream and onion chips. Absolutely yummy!

They’ve got a brand new website at and currently, they’re running a contest with absolutely delicious prizes up for winning. It’s the ‘Nothing Else Matters’ Contest and they have special prizes arranged just for us bloggers! Macbook, Ipod, Nokia N95…here I come.

It’s really easy to join the contest, just create a Chipster moment (take a photo of yourself or a friend with Chipster(s) in hand) and submit it at the website. They even have tools for you to edit your Chipster moments!

Check out my Chipster Moment:


Frankenstein, genie, bat and Kimberlycun Love Chipster! How about you??

Stopping to shower.

I’ve worked non-stop since morning. My wrist is hurting. I’m only stopping now to shower =P

Makes me wonder, why couldn’t I put in as much effort as this when I was working for other people?

I really want to have a bowl of piping hot mushroom soup now.

p/s: thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate them. Please keep them coming =)