Breaking the rule

Going to break the rule. What rule?

Rule of not being whiny and negative. But fuck it, it’s my blog. And whiny and negative I shall be today.

The dark list:

1. Indicators are not decorations on your car. They are for you to tell people where you’re going so they could avoid ramming 1000kg of metal towards you, you fucking dumbass.

2. Respect is earned, not gained with age. Successfully staying alive longer than other people does not equate success…it hasn’t taught you how to treat other people with respect, has it?

3. Emails don’t come with mind-reading capabilities. Think and think again before you hit SEND.

4. Sharing on your public Facebook a “sneak peek” of other people’s months-worth of blood, sweat and tears before it’s supposed to be public is not just rude, you also ought to be fucking sacked.

5. Name dropping. Ah, my favourite. Because that alone sums up the entire value of your self-worth. None.

6. It’s okay to be quiet if you have nothing to contribute. You know what they say about empty vessels.



Everyone is self-serving to a degree, but to blatantly rip off your friends or hurt their feelings? I’m sorry, I can’t accept that. I’ve been told numerous times that I can be rather intense when it comes to my relationships with people. I can be brutally vocal and unforgiving towards certain individuals I’ve deemed unworthy. But, I’m not a maniac. I’m not the paragon of morality. All I’m asking for is just people to be considerate and have some semblance of genuineness. You don’t have to be Mother Theresa.

If it’s business, then keep it strictly business. Don’t act like I’m your lifelong’s answer to a great friendship than bite me in the fucking ass or guilt trip me into submission to achieve your stupid goals. Don’t make snide or insensitive remarks about me then laugh it off like it’s just a funny joke when it’s just you trying to pacify your own insecurities. Yeah, I have self deprecating humour, but NOT THAT MUCH. Don’t try to comfort me as if you really know me when it’s just you getting off in pretending to be my good friend.

Is it so hard? Life is too short. Fuck courtesy, just get rid of the company of people who get you down. There’s too little time to entertain these self-serving egomaniacs.