April Spoof’s Day

Hi peeps. It’s April Fool’s day, a day where many people, even the more docile, aspire to become an elite prankster. I don’t really have any opinion on today, although I must say that it reminds me of the tragic commercialisation of Valentine’s Day. Only thing is, I don’t know what’s the point of April Fool’s day. How does something so irrelevant manage to sustain itself for so long?

Yesterday night, I saw an ad about an SMS service for April Fool’s day jokes. The tagline was ‘Make you smarter’ or something. You know what, as a business student, I’ve always been taught that consumers value maximum utility and that they are rational beings. Hence, at one point of time, I couldn’t help but ridiculing people who came up with and actually marketed stupid business ideas. Then, trained by harshened conditions of life (really!), I finally understood that THERE ARE DUMBASSES in this world. And now, whenever I see supposedly dumb ideas, I would applaud the creators for they are smart enough to identify and provide for the dumb masses.

Okay, I must stop rambling and make way for what I really want to say.


Check out Kenny’s blog for more hilarious spoofs.

Now this guy has truly nailed it. The reason April Fool’s day remains enigmatic to this day is because of people like him. Rock on Kenny! I love your legs.

I owe Time.

Once upon a time, I registered at timeasia.com for a promotional offer of 4 free issues. When the first magazine came, I was overjoyed. By the forth issue, I was impressed with Time’s prompt delivery and made a mental note that I would definitely subscribe to it when I can afford it. Then, the fifth magazine arrived. And another, and another, and another…..

Look what I’ve gotten in the mailbox today.

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I’m really tempted to renew it. But I’m broke and it’s not like it’s FHM, you know. Sorry Time, when I start working, ok? Mwahs.


Okay I’m a little spooked now. I’m looking at PPS and it’s refreshing very fast. All about tremors. I’m worried. I hope everyone is okay.

I had my chin on my computer desk and I felt it shook left to right very gently, almost negligible. I thought it was just some dizzy spell. I don’t think so now. I’m in Ampang.