It’s Friday. Paper’s passed up. Period’s over. Oh Thai Club, tonight I shall embrace you with open arms and open mind. *Looking up to the sky* You better not rain, bitch. is going to impose fees from 20th December. Well, I don’t even want to begin to justify it because these shitty mega corporations are going to draw blood from you anyway in spite of protest. The most they would do is lower the fees and I’m not going to go through with that either.

So I tried to unsubscribe, but there’s no such feature as described in FAQ. I called them up and they say it won’t work until 20th December itself when the ‘system upgrading’ takes place. What buffalo’s poop. If I insist on unsubcribing though, I could do so at the nearest branch *matherfarkers*. Anyway, there would be some kind of popoup terms and condition on that day itself and you could choose to go ahead or stay with them bloodsuckers. Fine by me, as long as they don’t try to trick you like Astro did.

I’ve bought Bridget Jones 2 (Yeah, shoot me so I dig pirated cds). The 1st movie was awesome. I hope the second one is as good, if not better. I want to read the books too, as I’ve been told that they are much better than the movies. Yeah, and I’ve already found someone with the books. Yay.

I’m so unbelievably happy.

Woohoo..I’m a trooper! Yeap, I stayed in lab for 1/2 a day and finished the whole damn paper. Just days ago, I had no idea what the fuck was SQL. I felt like I was possessed by some geeky ghost, cause it felt bloody easy to do. Thank you oh geeky soul *hugs* Hahahaha. So maybe lab’s haunted but I love it.

While I was stuck in the lab, tried to connect to MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and MIRC. None of it worked! Stupid, stupid college. You could surf porns, but you can’t chat? Stupid. Couldn’t wait to get home. But home now and I’m feeling awesome and blissful.

I think I’ve gained some kilos. I’ll go shop for a portable stepper this weekend and maybe an exercise mat. Kim’s ain’t turning into a sluggish tong!!!!!!

You know natural high? That’s what I’m feeling. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Kim’s a dumphuck.

People, exercise is good for you. It gives you multiple orgasms, taut thighs and most importantly, painless period. Oh my gawd how I curse the day I quit gym.

Rolling in bed for a couple of hours clutching my abdomen and half a dozen of panadols later, my womb is still throbbing. The EPOs aren’t working. Please take away this pain. I promise to hulahoop for an hour a day if you take this pain away.

I wish I did not have any fear of putting stuff into my body. My girlfriends are raving about the divinity of tampons but I could never bring myself to use it. I have a whole damn box, probably breeding molds as I’m typing. I’m such a dumbphuck.

I’m still wearing glasses because I’m scared of putting on contact lenses. How stupid is that? I won’t be afraid of getting my eyes lasered yet I fear contacts. Isn’t that the most absurd thing you’ve ever heard?

I’m a dumbphuck with period pain. Perfect.

I want ice cream. I want a hug.