Doing something for the environment.

It’d be rather far-fetched to call myself an environmentalist. I mean, I try to do my part as a citizen of Planet Earth, I think about my future offspring and I hope that when I’m finally reduced to dust that they’ll still be able to live and breathe normally, just like how I am now. Sometimes when my parents talk about the days gone by, how the weather used to be so predictable and so much cooler, I wish I could go back in time and experience how it was like.

I believe those days will come back again. All it takes is for everyone to make a few tiny lifestyle changes and the world could slowly and eventually heal itself. Idealistic? Maybe, maybe not.

When I was in UK, I had the opportunity to visit a Tip, a sort of waste and recycling centre where people could dispose stuff like boxes, plastic, electronic & electrical items, garden shrubs and many more. People came in droves, the centre was constantly busy with cars, vans and station wagons filled with junk in the boot. I have to say, I really admire their spirit of disposing unwanted things properly and responsibly. The most surprising thing of all, nobody gets paid for their trips.

Tip or Recycling Centre.
An example of a Tip. Picture from Geograph.

I think Malaysians in general are not new to the idea of recycling. It’s just that we’re so pre-occupied with selling our junk that we’ve lost sense of the true meaning of recycling. To some people, the Paper Lama guy is just the fella that gives some extra money in exchange for old newspapers. What happened to the old papers after that is a none-issue. I’ve been guilty of it too, when I was younger I would get really excited at my KL Tower of old newspapers and would get pissed off if the poor man gave me less money than I believed my tower deserved. These days, I’m just grateful if there’s someone who is willing to take the old papers to the recycling centre.

Recycle old newspapers.
Recycle newspaper because it’s the right thing to do.

When I was living in Singapore, every time after I’d bought something, I’d be asked by the cashier whether I’d need a carrier bag. I think it’s a great practice, especially when you’re buying only small items. I wish all shops in Malaysia would do the same as it’s a good way to remind the consumers that they have hands, hehe. Of course, we as the consumers should be aware of it too. It’s good to remind the cashier that you don’t need a plastic bag when they’re scanning your shopping goods.

Limit the use of plastic bags.
Limit the use of plastic bags.

My boyfriend’s mom carries 3 reusable bags in her car, we have never used a single plastic bag while out shopping with her. I’ve been trying to follow her footsteps but that said, I still forget sometimes. But it’s okay, as long as we’re all constantly trying innit? Bad habits are hard to break but they can be broken.

There are many more things that you can do for the benefit of our environment, such as:

1. Getting a hybrid or electronic car. Here’s a kickass electronic one that’s faster than a Ferrari if you’ve got tonnes of money.
2. Carpooling.
3. Fixing your leaking taps.
4. Saving the water you used to rinse food for watering plants.
5. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
6. Don’t litter indiscriminately.
7. Shop from environmentally conscious corporations.
8. Use public transportation.
9. Bring your own Tupperware when you’re having takeaway food.
10. Use the fan instead of air-conditioning.
11. Have your blog, computer screensaver and wallpaper in dark colours as darker colours consume less energy to display. For example, this blog :)
12. Try composting. It works even in a humid country like ours too, as have been demonstrated by fellow blogger, Julian Hopkins.

Feel free to leave comments on how to make the environment better :)

Save the displaced pups in Pulau Ketam

Got an email from my regular pet forum about the plight of stray dogs in Pulau Ketam. Around 300 or so stray dogs in Pulau Ketam have been transferred to an uninhabited island by the residents of Pulau Ketam. I read that it was because they were trying stop the dogs from being culled but how is sending them off to die help the dogs?

Sabrina Yeap, the founder of Furry Friends Farm and her friends are working to help get these dogs out of the island.

Displaced dogs in Pulau Ketam

You can read more about their efforts and the story here.

Funds can be banked in or transferred to:

Furry Friends Farm account at CIMB 1457-000-1182-05-6

Please retain transaction record / slip for verification and audit purposes.

Uncivilised Malaysians really disgust me.


There’s a movie screening being organised to raise funds for the dear pups, support support! More information here.

tax, shopping and irresponsible dog owners

i’m trying to do this tax thingy and i’ve never been so baffled before. thank goodness for the suan and ky in answering my n00b questions. seriously, wtf is this…how do people do it? filing tax is fucking shit.

am nursing a cold with loads of lemsip. it’s the best thing ever. panadol soluble? bah. we bought loads of lemsip on our last trip to uk. i wonder when we’re going to have them here. lemsip is the shiznit.

#1 – Lemsip

my cosmetic stash bought from strawberrynet has arrived safely. i’m quite impressed with the way they had packed the stuff. each item was meticulously wrapped with silver coloured paper or bubblewrap and then placed in a box stuffed with styrofoam.

#2 – it has arrived!
it has arrived

#3 – styrofoam nuggets.
styrofoam nuggets

#4 – the goodies.
the goodies.

#5 – unwrapping. this is the part where it felt like xmas morning.

#6 – xmas came early.
xmas came early

#7 – arezia 36 colours!
arezia 36 colours

anyway, i’ve been following this forum thread about a puppy owner seeking donation of RM1500 for CAT scan for her sick 3 month old puppy. seemed like a legitimate case until it was revealed how irresponsible the owner is and how the pet store owners (who sold her the puppy in the first place) themselves have taken to task to care for the poor puppy instead (kudos to the folks at Fluff Pet Store in NZX). all because the owner claims she and her family members have no money. wtf, no money why get a puppy? stories of irresponsible pet owners get me really fucking angry. if you can’t afford it don’t get em. they’re not toys that you can chuck and dispose when you’re bored or when they’re sick. caring for a dog takes up a lot of money, time and patience if you’re lacking of any of those just don’t fucking bother ok.

now, back to figuring out this income tax thing -__-