First degree of separation from Mr. Obama.

Yes, instead of 5,999,999th degree of separation from Barack Obama, I’ll be upgraded to 1st degree this March because I’ll be in the same room with Roger Fisk. Thanks Nuffnang!

Roger Fisk was the National Director of Special Events of Obama’s Presidential Campaign and he managed a nationwide grass-roots fund raising team which raised funds totaling $100 million in 11 months, building the largest donor base in American history.

Obama Magic KL

Here are the details:

Venue: Kristal Ballroom, Petaling Jaya Hilton
Date: 2nd March, 2009
Time: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Dress: Formal
Entry: RM850 (HRDF-Claimable via SBL scheme)

You can sign up here. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn a trick or two from someone like Roger Fisk.

One way to attract young foreign professionals.

My letter to The Star’s editor has been published today. While I’m grateful that I got heard, the published version had been through the mincer, over, under and upside down.

Here, I’m reproducing the original letter I sent:

Dear Editor,

With reference to the article “Flexible Permits for Foreign Specialists” (, I would like to applaud the Human Resources Ministry for discarding the present system of which foreign skilled knowledge professionals are unable to switch to companies of their choice unless they return to their home countries and reapply with the new company.

While the Malaysia My 2nd Home is a successful programme in attracting foreign retirees to our country, the new ruling by HRM will be able to attract young foreign skilled professionals intending to live permanently here as law-abiding, tax paying residents.

However, due to the present system, many of them face difficulties when the companies that they are interested in working for are hesitant in hiring them due to the arduous and complicated process of applying for new working permits. Ultimately, the difficulty in securing a job in spite of their professional skill and knowledge would leave them no choice but to leave our country. To add salt to injury, their Malaysian partners who are likely to be skilled professionals too would have to leave their country of birth in order to be with their loved ones. As such, the implementation of the new ruling is certainly a step into the right direction in preventing the phenomenon of “brain drain” currently faced by our country.

With skilled foreign professionals soon having the choice of working for companies that are best suited to their skill sets and vice versa, they will be able to stimulate our economy and employment market with local spending and most of all, valuable professional knowledge.

Yours sincerely,
Kimberly Low

Obama FTW!

Been following Barack Obama for months. I really felt that he could change the world. I can’t explain how happy I am that he’s leading the US of A. I think having Mr. Obama as president will have a larger positive impact on our country than any of our current politician will ever manage. For once, I’m filled with hope now. Black presidents, only in movies? It’s real now!

(and he’s very handsome…anyone seen his video on Ellen Degeneres Show dancing? phewitt)

I wonder when are we mature enough to discard self-serving, race based politics to fight for an ideology instead? If America, the land of the gun wielding rednecks and KKK is able to, I’m sure we will get there some day.