Washing dishes in UK.

in a chinese takeaway to fund my vacation…..

Hehe, just kidding!

After gobbling down a sumptuous dinner prepared by my friend at her home, I offered to do the dishes. They all warned me about it and I was like, “How hard can it be? It’s just washing up some plates and cutlery. How hard can it be? Try me”.

And so, I found out the hard way. Washing dishes in UK is completely different from Malaysia. Of course, I can’t be certain whether the method taught to me was only particular to my friend’s household or is a common method in UK homes, but I was told that it’s pretty common.

It’s an established fact among my family members that I hate washing dishes. And after finding out how it’s like to wash dishes in the UK, I’m hating it even more. If I had to choose between washing dishes at home and UK, I’d much prefer the former.

How do you wash dishes? You rinse the dirty dishes, lather them up and then rinse again, right? Or if you’re anal about water stains, you wipe them dry before storing them back into your cabinets. Easy peasy.

But in UK, it’s not so simple.

Ever wondered why the more modern kitchens of Malaysia have double sinks? I’ve always thought that one was reserved exclusively for washing vegetables and the other for cleaning up dishes. I was wrong.

Both of the sinks are for washing dishes! This is a step by step instructions for foreigners on how to wash dishes in UK:

1. Give all the dirty plates/bowls/pans/pots/cutlery a quick rinse.
2. Plug the first sink and fill it up with hot water.
3. Pour some washing liquid into the hot water.
4. Submerge the plates/bowls/pans/pots/cutlery into the hot water.
5. Now, soak your washing sponge with the soapy hot water and begin cleaning plates/bowl/pans/pot/cutlery.
6. Place the soaped up plates/bowls/pans/pots/cutlery into the second sink.
7. Turn on the cold water and properly rinse suds off plates/bowls/pans/pots/cutlery.
8. Wipe plates/bowls/pans/pots/cutler to dry.

Learning points that I insist on sharing:

1. Wear reasonably thick gloves before sticking your hands into the hot water. It is painful.

2. Splashing your hands with icy cold water immediately after plunging them into steaming hot water is even more painful.

3. Next time, forget the dishes. Just bring a bottle of wine.

Chilling out with Hugh Laurie.

Yeah, that’s what I’m doing now, after a day filled with walking and eating.

Chilling out with Hugh Laurie.
Who is on this week’s tv guide hehehe.

Eh my webcam’s quality is not that bad.

Went to the Garden Centre and had a Sunday’s carvery lunch for the first time. IT WAS AWESOME. I propose that carvery lunch be made a staple meal in Malaysia.

Also had a massive scone with fresh cream and strawberries. OMG IT WAS AWESOME.

Visited some friends at their home. Had homemade lime chicken wrap for dinner. Had a lovely time :)

Oh, Mom mailed and told me we’ve got a new puppy!!!! She’s called Sisi, about the size of a palm. I can’t wait to see her :)


3 quid an hour Internet.

Aight, I’m on really fast broadband for 3 quid an hour. And the hour is almost up. So I hope I’ll manage to blog this, pictures and all before I get cut off. Heaven forbids if I’d ever use roaming 3G anymore after the expensive Thailand episode :P

I’m now in Worcester. It’s almost 9pm and it’s not even dark yet. Will be having late dinner in a bit.

Anyway, it’s a fab day. The Three Choirs Festival is ongoing now so we dropped by Worcester Cathedral for some of the rehearsals. The Cathedral is breathtakingly beautiful.

Saw Arthur the Prince of Wale’s tomb, brother to Henry IIIV VIII too! After watching The Boleyn Girl I sort of read up on their history so it’s really cool to be seeing a tomb of someone so significant in history. No pictures for now, but I’ll definitely post when I have the chance :)

Anyway, here are pictures of me drinking Dr. Pepper…

Dr. Pepper
A bottle of Dr. Pepper.

and REAL full cream milk….

Gulping down delicious REAL full cream milk.
Gulping down delicious REAL full cream milk.

eating a fab apple turnover with REAL cream….

naughty but nice.
Fresh cream – naughty but nice, that’s the catchphrase!

and gorging on a lot of cheeses!
Cheese with unpronounceable names.

I am so happy :)