Got my nails done over the weekend. Had to use ordinary polish instead of my usual gel polish because my manicurist said my nails had thinned significantly :(
She advised me to lay off the gel till Chinese New Year. Sounded bad!
Gel is a kind of fast drying (cured by UV light in seconds instead of air drying) nail lacquer that doesn’t chip, I think it’s the best invention ever for active women but does have its drawbacks – one of it is thinning nails as the polish clings to them really hard.
# – This is OPI “All Sparky & Gold” with “Magazine Cover Minnie” to break the monotony.

Gareth doesn’t like the red polish, he thinks it looks like they ran out of gold. Men :P
I dressed up over the weekend for a wedding. A dress that’s demure on the front but a little cheeky at the back.
Mom got the dress for herself from Asos but she chickened out of wearing it so she altered it to fit me. I love having introduced Asos to my mom….. hehehehe.
# – Demure.

# – Peekaboo.

Dress from Asos. Stillettos from Bangkok. Clutch bag from Burberry, a birthday gift from hubs.
I hardly wear makeup because am too friggin lazy. Here’s one of me with fake lashes and the lot.
# – Birded up.

I use Lancome Teint Idole liquid foundation, set with compact from MAC. Blush is Lancome Blush Subtil. Tinted lip balm from IN2IT in orange for the lips. Eyeshadows from Urban Decay Naked 2 with eyeliner from Red Earth and brows with Empro brow pencil. Lashes from aliexpress – got like 100 pairs for less than RM80 lol.
My face shape changes everytime I take a picture since I started wearing braces. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I think it’s awful! And right now, it is in an awful phase.
Went back to Mentakab to celebrate my popo’s birthday in advance. As usual, she nagged me about babies. Something different this time though, after nagging me for like half hour….she suddenly got quiet and then sheepishly told me to just ignore what she said. Told me to let nature takes its course.
My heart was just exploding with love for my granny cause she probably realised she was exerting too much pressure on me so she tried to rein it back.
# – Popo and Martin – my cousin’s kid. Too cute!!!!

# – Popo feeding hubs with cake. Love this picture! And that’s my mom, not me.

As I get older, I don’t mind being nagged so much by my elderly relatives. I am realising that it comes from a place of love and I consider it a gift to be fussed over :)