Just like the previous years, I’d do a summary of my year. 2014 has been a relatively quiet year for me, but definitely a significant one as our first born arrived.
Here goes..
We first found out we’re pregnant on 20 January 2014 :)

Nothing much happened other than it was Chinese New Year and my tyre got deliberately punctured in my work place’s carpark. Hmm..

Luckily my saviour came about 15 minutes later and I didn’t have to wait two hours for Gareth to endure peak traffic to come from the other side of the world to get me.
It’s my husband’s birthday and also the month we formally announced our pregnancy.

I attempted to make Seremban beef noodles (great) and also salt beef (not worth the effort).

Cel got married to the love of her life and I was honoured to be her maid of honour and helped out! What a beautiful day :)

It was the month of water rationing, and of course I ranted about people washing their precious cars during the water shortage.
We found out the gender of our baby! Am not going to bluff, I really wanted a boy so my wish came true. Now that Liam’s born, I really want a girl next.

I also posted picture of my bump for the first time at 5 months pregnant. Looked like a food baby.

We watched Jersey Boys and it was fabulous!

Happy days as this was the month that Lance and Mel got married. They’re possibly one of my favourite couples in the world :)

I ate a live octopus.

We also went to Bali for a babymoon cum birthday trip. Thank you husband! :)

The month I turned 30 and also the month I started a small business. The latter is still in its infancy and growth has been slow due to the baby but my plans and dreams for it are still burning passionately.
In the middle of July, I exhibited a classic symptom for pre-labour called “show”. I was only 29 weeks pregnant then and it wasn’t a good idea to give birth. My doctor immediately ordered bed rest and also steroid jabs to hasten my baby’s lung development.
I was a little shaken by the episode but I wasn’t stressed up because I knew that worrying was not going to help me. I went on with life as normally as possible and continued to enjoy my pregnancy, albeit with caution and more awareness of my body. I kept telling my body to hang on till 35 weeks at the least.
Husband took me to Ten for a Japanese degustation/omakase for my 30th birthday. It was really delicious.

A week later, on the second last day of July, my water broke and I went into labour. I was 32 week 4 days pregnant.
Liam was born on 31 July 2014 at 1.52pm.

While I discharged a day after labour, Liam stayed on for 23 days more in hospital, 11 of them spent in NICU. It was a blur of visiting hospital twice a day to give Liam kangaroo care, pumping milk every 3 hours and dealing with changes to my body.

This was the time I realised that I had married the right man. I don’t know how I could survive this month if it wasn’t for Gareth.
It was also very rewarding to see Liam improve every day. He’s my strong boy :)
It’s a great month as we finally brought Liam home. While it was tiring to care for a baby, I am just so glad that our baby’s finally home and that he is healthy.

I also wrote a blog post about what expectant parents should buy. Very relevant if you’re planning on breastfeeding.
Liam turned 2 months old and we did an impromptu photoshoot.

I wrote a tribute for our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 27th.
I cooked for the husband and he bought me flowers, donuts and a packet of salt beef. He really knows how to make his wife happy :)

I wrote about why dogs are better for babies than humans.

My favourite month as it’s Xmas. We weren’t planning on throwing our annual Xmas dinner party but alas, we couldn’t resist the festivity, so we hosted a smaller do.

It’s extra special for me this year because we have both my mother-in-law and Liam together with us.

Gareth blogged about it here.
It’s also the month that my brother got married! I was bawling as he and his wife entered the banquet hall, I guess I was happily overwhelmed by the fact that my brother is now a grown-up. I am so happy for him as I know my sister-in-law is a great girl and I wish them all the happiness in their marriage.

I also got myself a new phone, after giving the same phone to Gareth for Xmas lol.

So there, a summary of my 2014. I hope 2015 will be a better year for everyone. Less natural and man-made disasters please, and hopefully no haze >_< I’d love to travel more too and get the business up and running by itself. And also to enjoy watching my baby grow up healthily. So much to do, so little time. Happy New Year! ========== To read about my highlights in previous years, click: 2008
2011 (this one was a cheat, honestly was too broke saving for the house until no activities hahaha)