Resolutions for 2011.

The BF paid the 2nd final payment for our renovation today. We’re laying the tiles on our front porch today. And then it’s all done! Our target to move in, just in time for an awesome Xmas party is becoming real!

Finally, I’m comfortable enough to sit down and write my to-do list for next year, hehehehe. For the past year we’ve been living in a sort of suspended state. Everytime I was presented with an opportunity to buy something, I had to refrain by thinking in terms of furnishing value.

For instance, a pair of shoes is the equivalent of 33 sq ft of tiles, a designer bag is the equivalent of an oven, a good meal is the equivalent of one tap, and so on. It sucks but I guess that’s part of growing up, building your own nest and a crazy urge to bake a fucking bundt cake.

So here I am, writing down what I want to do next year because I can!

  1. Get a diving license (so I can quit snorkelling and do the real thing with mah peeps).
  2. Pimp up my ride (change the body kit, put in a sweet stereo system, install anti-roll bar, noise-proofing, maybeeee repaint :D).
  3. Drive to Thailand (was supposed to do it this year but cancelled because it’s equivalent to a fridge).
  4. Dive in Thailand.
  5. Dive in Philippines (Ah Horng, I’m cummmmmming!).
  6. Dye my hair (the last time I did it was 10 years ago out of rebellion, this time I’d be doing it to obscure my bald patch. FML).
  7. Get proper singing lessons (because I don’t want to waste these great genes, ahem).
  8. Get proper sewing lessons (so I can sew in a straight line).
  9. Refurbish at least one furniture (my contribution the the environment and my ego).
  10. Throw out all my current shoes and replace them with new ones (to be honest, I’d probably do this before the year ends :P).
  11. Run everyday (so Charlie can run instead of walk alongside me, so my heart can be strong & healthy despite the truck load of pork I’ll be consuming and finally, so money on that treadmill won’t be burnt :P)
  12. I almost forgot shopping for new clothes, FML.
  13. And lastly, bake a fucking bundt cake!!!!