
I’ve just moved back to my boyfriends’. About 2 months ago, after almost 4 years of staying with my man, I had a sort of anxiety attack. I felt anxious about the house and the bedroom I grew up in, everytime I went back it felt like I didn’t know the place anymore. It’s familiar but yet foreign. I suppose it’s part of my struggle to retain those defining phases of my life. Yes, many things which made me who I am today happened in that house. Of course, I miss my folks too. And miss talking to my brothers. I don’t think I could ever articulate the situation properly. I thought of visiting more regularly but living 45 minutes away, it’s easier said than done.

So after much deliberation and drama, I decided to move back to the house where I’d spent most of my life. It was fantastic.

Everyday, I woke up to freshly ironed clothes, came back to healthy home cooked meals and best of all, after a hard day at work, I’d be greeted with this:

#1 – Precious :)
3 darlings

Alas, Cheras traffic got to me. Living with my parents meant I had to be stuck in a traffic jam between 1/2 to 1 hour extra everyday. Going to work was a nightmare, coming back was even worse. It’s amazing how a 15 minutes distance could stretch to 2 hours for no apparent reason. If you followed my twitter, you’d probably notice how most of them were traffic related rants. By the time I got home, it’d be dinner and then bedtime. I didn’t even have the energy to walk my dogs. Charlie especially, was getting crazy from being cooped up all day long.

So I moved again. Back to my boyfriend’s and took Charlie with me. As we’re both working, someone has to look after him while we’re bringing home the bacon. We found him a daycare near where we’re staying.

I have to say, sending him off to some strangers is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. How are they going to treat him? Will he be happy? Will he eat well? Sigh. Yesterday was his first day day. When I picked him up after work, he peed on me thrice. The nice lady told me he hadn’t peed the whole day prior to my arrival. I forgot to tell her that his magic phrase is “tinky wink”, that’s probably why he didn’t dare to relieve himself :(

He seemed better this morning, I hope he’ll get used to it soon. I love Charlie so much.

#2 – Charlie chilling out.

Post-CNY filler post.

I’m hardly in the mood to be nice to people. Pissed at having to decline an all expense paid trip to Singapore for a phone launch because it’s on a workday (love my job too much to fake an MC). Tired of explaining to people working at petrol stations why I’m not driving a Subaru whenever I’m wearing my uniform. Need to change my car, pronto (of course I wish I could afford a Subaru…not yet anyway. One needs to sit in a really fast WRX STI at least once in their life to know what I’m talking about. No, make that twice.) Well about the car, thinking of something bigger, scarier and can crush helmets. Something big, black and shiny. Not because of the petrol station people, I just need something more comfortable than the crap I’m driving now and Nicklaus is getting his driving license soon. Yeah…being younger = hand me down ;)

My face is slowly healing from the pimples I got over the CNY holidays (read: too much bakkua). I literally had a Subaru logo on the left side of my face. Talk about job pride written all over my face. Ok, you do know what I mean right? 6 stars? C’mon, laugh with me now.


LooLoo’s office is very near mine. So we had lunch at Jaya33, some place called Italian Kitchen I think. Not bad. Nice ambient…good for catching up. I love going out with LooLoo cause I won’t feel much like a giant, we’re about the same height and people always think we’re sisters.

Guess if this is me or Looloo?

Sorry I’ve been such a bad blogger. I’m trying to blog more regularly. Looking forward to weekend trip to Cameron with the gang. I think I’m bringing Charlie, yay! Maybe whip out the camera for some shots too, it’s been ages.

I hate quarter life crisis. It makes me such an insecure whinging banshee. I’m pretty sure if I were 5 kilos lighter I wouldn’t be so freaking whiney. But thank goodness, I only whine to Charlie these days. Why? Cause when I talk to people I just get angry. You know, poorly thought out opinions, can’t keep they trap shut after, basically retarded suggestions…the likes. I just rather not say anything. Charlie, I’m glad you can’t speak human. Mommy love you!

Charlie got hulk rage like mommy when she got stuck in traffic for 2 hours.

Aww inducing pictures.

Everyone’s gathered together for Reunion Dinner, including the pups. Yeah, my Dad got another black & white shih tzu and he’s named Brad. We prefer to call him Brat though cause he’s the most boisterous, naughty little thing. He has no qualms jumping off from high places and he always lands on the floor by rolling on his body. It’s nerve racking and funny at the same time.

3 stooges
Clockwise from top: Brad, Charlie and Sisi’s arse.

Sisi took a while to warm up to the two boys. She’s such a diva! Probably because she’s been the only one getting the family’s attention for a long time. She’s okay now though, even taking her own initiative to play with the other two :)

Sharing a bone.

On the other hand, Charlie and Brad are bonding amazingly well. They share their chew toys and even nap together!

My favourite picture!

It’s CNY Eve and I hope you’ll all have a drama-free family reunion dinner. Eat well, sleep well for tomorrow’s angpow collecting frenzy, w00t!