Truth is I got a little caught up with all the traffic chasing. I’d blog and I’d get angry when I see that my traffic doesn’t match up with the effort I put in. Truth is when I put in that much effort, I wasn’t blogging for myself anymore.
This used to be fun and leisurely. It had turned into a chore.
So, I’m slowly weaning myself off this race. Been blogging with no expectations and restraints for the past 3 weeks and loving it. I’m a much calmer person.
Am also working on other aspects of my life. Trying to move away from from this plateau, do a little bit of growing up. Am glad the boo is willingly walking down this path with me (no, we’re not getting married…stop asking!).
Also, trying my hand in real writing. Finally, after getting put off for so long by half-bucket magazines who didn’t even have the decency to credit one properly (I’ve been credited as Kimberly Choong. Who the fuck is Kimberly Choong? Not to mention discrepancy of names throughout KimberLEY KimberLY WTF?), I’m finally truly, unequivocally published.
As some of you may have known, I now have a permanent column in FHM Malaysia called “Booby Trap”. Feel free to speculate why the name is so, but it’s really not as dirty as you think it is. Hehe. FHM is my favourite men’s magazine and I’m not just saying this because I write for them. I used to buy it every month without fail for a couple of years (even have the collection to prove it), which is why I’m immensely proud to be writing for them now.

So, what’s contained in Booby Trap? Well, just general, mostly funny observations by yours truly – online and offline. Do get yourself a copy of FHM Malaysia, especially next month’s as I was really, really, really stoked writing October’s column. It’ll be something that happened to me, way before I started blogging and I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone about it :)