Since it’s Friday and the last weekday of 2011, I thought I’d post up some pictures.
# – On the way to our marriage registration. Probably around 7am?

We didn’t sleep at all cause we were too excited. Around 9am, we drove home from Putrajaya, still unmarried because G was wearing jeans. They won’t budge at all, really cannot get married in jeans. FOL. Honestly, I was like WTF THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. But it did happen.
Home in record time, he put on a pair of corduroys and we brought another extra pair of boring pinstripe trousers just in case. Then, sped all the way back to Putrajaya. By noon we were man & wife, phew.
# – Charlie & happy Santa.

Just cause Charlie’s got the most Meh face ever. Can your dog make such a Meh face? Hehehe.
# – Kerol’s surprise birthday party. With her ice cream cakes cause she doesn’t eat cakes wtf.

Kerol was born on Xmas Eve, so Suan wanted to give her a proper celebration that’s not upstaged by Xmas hehe. Sweet housemate love. The surprise party was held in TJ Haus in Subang Jaya. It was one of the funnest parties ever :) Oh, the food was wonderful too, particularly the duck. Yums!
Sorry I don’t have many pictures :P
Have a happy, merry new year!!