It is workout time!
We finally found the right treadmill – one that can support my 6′ 5″ husband’s weight, has incline feature and a suspension system.
Delivery was today and I was so excited to go home and try it.
Hubs was giving me live pictorial updates of the entire process….including how they mangled our staircase flooring moving the treadmill up :(
I wish Malaysia has better delivery service. How hard is it to bring tarp or have foams taped to the edges of the item?
Anyway…’s our new toy!
# – I call it, our time machine.
I just did a 20 minute barefoot run.
Scratch that. Running? It was not even brisk walking.
I know cause I googled definition of brisk walking and it is about 6kmh.
I was doing more like 4kmh -_-”
# – My goal was 30 minutes but I hit stop 9 minutes 38 seconds before I keeled over and died. At least I burnt 182 calories!
Live long and prosper.